Sunday, February 6, 2011

review from MRR #331

Deadmen - "Possession of the Void" EP

Dirty, heavy, mid-paced stoner/hardcore with sick but sporadic leads. Everything is pegged and the pace creates a MOTÖRHEAD-on-'ludes vibe which is perfect when the fast bits kick in and kick you in the ass. Imagine Germany's the NOW-DENIAL mixing it up with Kentucky's COLISEUM and recording the whole thing through a whiskey-drenched fog in the depths of Georgia. This sounds filthy and it would hurt you. Sometimes getting hurt just makes you tougher. (WN)

(Clandestine Arts)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

flac download available on bandcamp.

Full quality [FLAC] download available via our Bandcamp site for those without a turntable. Includes digital bundle with the lyrics/insert sheet. Vinyl still available from Seventh Rule Recordings for a mere $5 postage paid.